In certain compositions I find myself creating elements whose appearance is detached from context; images from archetypical dreams intersect, letting the instinctive, primordial formation of my thoughts prevail, ignoring collocation. I consider the result to be contemporary art inspired by ancient mixes. The suspended elements withheld by cables, the overlaying of a number of panoramas and measurements, and planes that break asunder and slope, are all part of a unique, stabilised method. This leads me to perceive a new interpretive power, the distillation of my studies into plastic compositions, which were a fundamental part of my training and have driven my approach to architecture in the urban universe.
In effect, the structure arises from an increasingly well-defined project whose volumes may not correspond at the painting stage. The materials and mixes deriving from age-old artisan methods give this work a classical air; over time it will age with the grace that enlivens the sign engraved in the picture, as in a rock.